Succession Planning Series

Succession Planning

Introduction to Succession Planning (click here for Video) – what is succession planning, important topics and decisions to address – Dr Hemant Thakkar

Dr Hemant Thakkar’s doctoral thesis was on the topic of ‘what will happen to my child when I am no longer alive’? During his research, the parents of disabled adults with high and complex needs shared with him their wishes, worries and the support needs for long-term future of their children. Succession planning emerged as one of the key themes from his discussion with the parents. In this workshop series, Dr Thakkar will talk about the importance of succession planning and share some practical tips with the parents on how to go about doing succession planning for their loved ones.

Legal Aspects of Succession Planning (click here for Video) – what is the law? – what are our legal responsibilities and considerations? Supported decision making, practical ways to cost effectively engage legal services

Nan Jensen is a Director at Better Lives Legal and presents our regular Planning for Adulthood & Education Legal Seminars. Nan specialises in Disability Law and is an advocate for supported decision making. Nan will be sharing information about legal responsibilities and considerations for succession planning. She will also give ideas of practical ways to engage with legal services that are cost effective.

Choosing, Recruiting and Managing an Advocate (click here for Video) – selecting, planning and managing oversight of advocates and supports when you are no longer here – Erika Butters

Erika Butters worked for over seven years as the Director of The Personal Advocacy and Safeguarding Adults Trust (PASAT). PASAT’s original mission was to give parents peace of mind, and Erika is well acquainted with the role of ongoing advocacy and its important role in succession planning. She now continues her work to empower individuals and families through Volition; a new social enterprise building tools to support self-determination, advanced care planning and whānau collaboration.