Chinese Disability Support Group
Tuesday 18 March 2025, 10:00am – 12:00pm
Topic: Building a Secure Circle of Connection with Our Child
Facilitator: Yoky Yao
Informative talk by Ms. Oi-Kuen tam, a child psychotherapist and counsellor. Mandarin will be the main language for this session.
Venue: Logan Campbell Building, Auckland Botanic Gardens
Click here for flyer in English.
Disability Connect很高兴向大家宣布3月份的华人家庭残疾互助会(CFDSG)将于星期二(18/3/2025)上午10.00-12.00,在Botanic Gardens的 Logan Campbell Building举行。
今年3月份的活动,我们邀请了维家中心儿童心理治疗师及咨询师Oi-Kuen Tam (谭爱娟女士)来给我们演讲。
- 探讨Eric Erikson 的人生八时期(Psychosocial development theory)中儿童和青少年时期的发展和特质
- 探讨安全感养育对孩子社会心理成长的重要性
- 简介安全圈养育课程以助家长迈向安全依附关系的路径
All Chinese and Asian families raising a child with a disability are welcome to this meeting. Please inform as many parents as possible about this meeting.
Our Chinese Family Disability Support Group provides support, information and advice for Mandarin and Cantonese speaking families raising children with a disability in Auckland.
For more information, please contact Yoky Yao, Disability Connect, phone 09 6360351 or email
We do not charge parents to attend these support groups, however we charge professionals $50 each per support group or seminar. This can be paid by cash or direct credit. We also accept credit card or EFTPOS payments at the seminar or online credit card payments. We are happy to send an invoice at the time of booking. Payment is required prior to attendance.
Disability Connect offers cultural special support groups to families with children of special needs as part of the CALD service (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Disability Information and Advisory Service) for different ethnic groups. We welcome all families with special needs to join the relevant support group. It is a great opportunity for parents to share their experience and network with each other. Please contact Yoky Yao, or reception at Disability Connect for more information or bookings, phone 09 636 0351 or email or
我们每月在奥克兰Fickling Convention Centre举行会议,每期我们都会邀请工作在残疾服务领域的专业人士来为我们演讲,涵盖不同主题。(提供普通话翻译和茶点)。
欲了解更多信息,请联系Disability Connect的Yoky Yao, 电话 09- 636 0351 或电子邮件