Education Legal Issues

This seminar will be of interest to all families raising a child with a disability, whether in mainstream or special school environments. Come along and learn about enrolment rights, decision processes around special education, processes around an ORS funding decline, requests to parents for teacher aide funding contributions, requests to parents for funding for student support at extra-curricular camps and activities, stand-downs, use of restraint, and much more.

Who Should Attend:

The parents of disabled students who are concerned with the support entitlement for their child in New Zealand Schools.  This seminar explores the following topics:

  • Section 37 access to Special School, why is this legally required?
  • Section 47 appeals to ORS decline
  • Stand downs – under what conditions are they fair
  • Clarifying responsibility for the student’s safety and welfare during travel between school and home
  • Physical aggression and use of restraint
  • Issue of school requests for funding contribution from parents (to help pay for teacher aide or resources)
  • School camps and extra-curricular activities – requests from the school that parents pay/provide the support person to accompany that student.
  • Plus, a range of other education legal issues


Nan Jensen – Barrister and Solicitor

Nan has been involved in the disability sector since 1998 in governance, advisory, support parent, advocacy, and employee capacities. Nan herself and two of her adult children are on the autism spectrum and she decided to study law after taking a successful arbitration case against the Ministry of Education about ORRS funding. She practices all aspects of family/private law and specialises in disability law. Nan lives in Hamilton and works with clients all over New Zealand thanks to the wonders of technology.

Zoom only:

Wednesday, 5 March 11:30am – 2pm – Book  here

Monday, 9 June 11:30am – 2pm – Book  here

Cost:     Per Family – $20               Professionals – $50 (coming in work capacity)

Payment options are on our website and will be sent by email when booking. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you find it difficult to come up with the fees. We are determined that cost will not be a barrier to families attending these popular and valuable seminars.

RSVP is essential: 09 636 0351 or

Click here for pdf flier.