Asoka Gamage-MendisCounsellor

Asoka is our lead counsellor in a new service that we commenced in 2021 offering Counselling and Pastoral care for parents and families supporting disabled whanau.  She is a registered member of the NZAC (New Zealand Association of Counsellors) and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Diploma in Social Work.

As a mother of two young adult sons on the Autism spectrum, one of whom has also an Intellectual Disability, she has lived personal experience of the challenges faced in raising disabled children as a migrant in New Zealand.

Asoka was born in Sri Lanka and has previous background as a specialist in tropical diseases. She has a Ph.D. in Tropical Diseases Epidemiology and was a Research Fellow at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Tropical Diseases.

Her lived experience,  skills in analytical thinking, training in counselling and social work together with her empathic nature have enhanced  her contribution to the team at Disability Connect  to provide information, advice and support that parents of disabled children are seeking.

Emergency Call

In case of urgent, feel free to ask questions.

Colleen Brown