Disability Supports in the Community – Work and Income Support – Taikura Trust Seminar

Disability Supports in the Community

For disabled people, individuals, and families raising a child with a disability.

A presentation by Work and Income Health and Disability Co-ordinators and Taikura Trust.

Date and time: Thursday July 18th 6:30 – 9pm

Venue: On Zoom

Work and Income Health and Disability Co-ordinators

  • Which individuals may be eligible for if living with a disability or raising a child with a disability.
  • Eligibility criteria will be explained.
  • Employment Support.

Taikura Trust

  • What we do and the supports you may be able to get

FREE EVENT* – Click here for flyer.

(There is a cost of $50 for professionals)

 To Register: Phone 09 636 0351 or email admin@disabilityconnect.org.nz

Disclaimer: There will be time for questions however presenters cannot participate in personal discussions regarding individual circumstances. Their presentation will be broad and informational. Any questions that can’t be addressed please send to Disability Connect and we will endeavour to have them answered.