Disability Support Guide
Update October 2022: The guide is now in the process of being updated. There are a number of changes underway with the New Ministry for Disabled People – Whaikaha, and the roll out of Enabling Good Lives (EGL). We will be working over the next few months to ensure the new guide is as up to date as possible.
This free support guide is designed to help parents and families of children and young people who have been recently diagnosed with a disability. The booklet aims to help families navigate their way throughout the disability sector and sheds some light on the roles of the various ministries and organisations involved in the sector including Ministries of Health, Education, Social Development, Work & Income, Oranga Tamariki and Non-Government Organisations. Included is information on some supports which families may be eligible for. There is also information on disability policy and legislation in New Zealand.
The disability sector can be complicated to understand so this over-arching guidebook may be useful to families regardless of the age of their loved one.
The Disability Support guide is now available in English (temporarily out of print however a pdf is available to be downloaded), Simplified Chinese, Korean and Arabic.